Drowning Prevention Tips
How can people guard against drowning?
You can greatly reduce the chances of you or your children becoming drowning or
near-drowning victims by following a few simple safety tips:
Whenever young children are swimming, playing, or bathing in water, make
sure an adult is constantly watching them and within reach of the child. By
definition, this means that the supervising adult should not read, play cards,
talk on the phone, mow the lawn, or do any other distracting activity while
watching children. Be within an arms reach.
Never swim alone or in unsupervised places. Teach children to always
swim with a buddy.
Keep small children away from buckets containing liquid: 5-gallon
industrial containers are a particular danger. Be sure to empty buckets when
household chores are done.
Never drink alcohol during or just before swimming, boating, or water
skiing. Never drink alcohol while supervising children. Warn teenagers about the
danger of drinking alcohol while swimming, boating, or water skiing.
To prevent choking, never chew gum or eat while swimming, diving, or playing in
Learn to swim. Enroll yourself and/or your children in a quality aquatic
education program.
Learn CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation). This Is particularly
important for pool owners and individuals who regularly participate in water
Do NOT rely on air-filled swimming aids (such as "water wings") in place
of life jackets or life preservers with children.
Check the water depth before entering. Common recommended minimum for jumping or diving should be twice the height of the person entering the water.